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Oak Barrel Coffee

We have Brazilian Santos Arabica coffee beans aged in Oak Barrels for 28 days before they are hand roasted in small batches here at Coffey Coffee.

Coffee on top of an Oak Coffee Barrel

Our barrels receive a medium charring. The barrels are then filled with liquor and allowed to rest. The liquor is absorbed into the barrel over a period of time before it is emptied; all liquor is saved and reused over and over for extra flavour. 

The beans are added and we wait for the magic to happen. After 28 days the Brazilian Santos arabica are roasted in small, 1kg, batches.

Our three flavoured barrels are Single Malt Scotch Whisky, Spiced Rum and Bourbon.

As we grow our inventory will grow.

But why Oak Barrels?

Over two millennia ago, when the Romans began to spread their empire across the world, they not only wanted to take with them weapons and food, but also quite understandably, they also wanted to take their wine. When the Romans encountered the Gauls, they found a group of people who were using wooden barrels made of oak, to transport their beer. The Romans adopted this approach and after transporting their wines in barrels, for some time, they began to realize that the oak barrels imparted new, pleasant qualities to the wine. The contact with the wood made the wine softer and smoother, and better tasting. Due to the charring of the wood, the wines developed additional scents such as cloves, cinnamon or vanilla, and when drunk they had additional flavours present, such as caramel, vanilla or even butter. 

So... if it worked for the Romans...

Coffee beans inside a bag
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